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Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Impacts Us All

  • Carousel Child Advocacy Center handles approximately 500 new child abuse cases annually.

  • 1 in 10 children will experience CSA before their 18th birthdays.

  • 1 in 9 children will experience online sexual exploitation.

  • 1 in 5 cases of CSA are disclosed to an adult.

  • The average lifetime cost of 1 victim of child sexual abuse in the United States is $283,000.


In just 3 hours, you can learn to effectively advocate for the protection of children!

Prevention Education

Every adult has the power to make a positive impact! This workshop is essential for EVERY ADULT who:

  • Loves or cares for a child

  • Interacts with youth personally or professionally

  • Engages with adults who interact with children

  • Holds influence within the community

  • Votes or participates in political advocacy

Equip yourself with the education and resources to be the advocate every child deserves!

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Education is key to CSA prevention, yet most adults never receive prevention training. Common barriers to education include:

  • Lack of awareness about CSA in our communities

  • Lack of access to high quality prevention training

  • Lack of time for training outside of work hours

Organizations and businesses are catalysts for change. Partner with us to break these barriers and provide education to your staff!

The adults you employ are likely comprised of:

  • Survivors of CSA

  • Parents/caregivers of children

  • Family members of children

  • Role models to children

  • Volunteers who work with children

  • Voters

  • Friends, family members, or acquaintances of individuals who have harmed children or who have thoughts of harming children

Champion the health, safety, and economic viability of our communities by providing CSA prevent training to your staff, equipping them with the education to make a difference!

#beyondprofessionaldevelopment #corporatesforcommunity #socialresponsibility

Join our local network of 80+ Partners in Prevention who are setting a new standard in professional development and social responsibility!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the benefits of becoming a Partner.

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TOGETHER, we are uniting to shatter silence, dismantle shame, and erase stigma surrounding CSA.

Join THOUSANDS of adults who have joined our local initiative to prevent child sexual abuse in our communities!

PURPOSE: To enhance community engagement and transform social norms to be prevention-oriented by increasing the accessibility and demand for CSA prevention education.

STRATEGY: Through community partnerships, we are reframing prevention education as a critical public health investment, workforce development opportunity, and corporate social responsibility to ensure that adults from all sectors are educated to effectively safeguard children and support survivors.

GOAL: To reach our societal tipping point by educating 35,000 adults (10% of the adult population) to prevent CSA by the end of 2028.

RESEARCH: In January 2024, UNCW's School of Health & Applied Human Sciences launched a 5-year longitudinal research study to evaluate the societal impacts of our prevention initiative. This research will be critical to guide local prevention efforts and maximize impact!

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To be an advocate for the children in our community, consider making a DONATION to support our child sexual abuse prevention efforts!

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Prevention Workshop:

Stewards of Children® is an award-winning training that equips adults with the knowledge and tools to safeguard children in your family, organization, and community. Learn to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse!

Every Adult, Every Sector:

TOGETHER, Prevention is Possible!


Carousel Child Advocacy Center

The Village Conference Room

1506 Market Street

Wilmington, NC 28401

Topics Covered:

  • Your Role in Prevention and keeping children safe.

  • Learn the Facts about child sexual abuse and debunk common myths.

  • Minimize Opportunity to reduce risk in various environments.

  • Talk About It openly with children and adults to promote protective factors.

  • Recognize the Signs and React Responsibly to suspicions, discovery, and disclosures of abuse; covers mandated reporting responsibilities.

  • Creating Prevention-Oriented Communities through connection to local services, resources, and opportunities to take action in our communities!


Register for a Session

April 2025








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