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Thank you to all who attended the
21st  Making Legends Local Gala & LipSync Battle!

And the Winners are…

2024 Lip Sync Legend of the Year:  REALTORZ 
Tara English, Karen Clow, Chris Castro, Liz Castro, Amanda Parmer, Jared Sales, Jennifer Richardson, and Joey Richardson, representing REALTORZ, who performed a medley of songs: Men in Black, Gold Digger, and Black Widow. 

2024 Ka’CHING! Champion: Hagood Homes

Nora Ruehle, Joe VonEron, Felice VonEron, Shelbi Young, and Selena Williams performed IN THE NAVY by the Village People, raised over $16,687 for the Carousel Child Advocacy Center

Want to perform in next year’s event? Contact Laura Pawlewicz or call 910-254-9898

Save the Date! Saturday, April 26th, 2024

Wonderful Pictures from another EPIC Event! 

Thank you, Austin Birch, Photographer

All proceeds from Making Legends Local Gala & Lip Sync Battle will aid child abuse survivors and their families, whether it is with victim support, medical services, and forensic interviews, healing trauma therapy, case management, or a host of other activities to ensure that children who are survivors of abuse can heal, recover and thrive.

Learn more about what we do at https://carouselcenter.org

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