Leave a Legacy
You Can Make a Gift in Your Will or Estate

Give a Lasting Gift to Help Children Heal from Abuse and Trauma

Leave a Legacy Make a Mark on the World that Can Not Be Erased

Leave a Legacy – Make a Mark on the World that Can’t Be Erased!

You can join Carousel Child Advocacy Center Legacy Society by making a provision for Carousel’s future in your long-term giving plans.

By making a gift in your will or estate to Carousel Child Advocacy Center, you will create a legacy, helping to ensure Carousel will continue to realize its mission for many years to come. You may leave a legacy in many ways, some relatively uncommon — see the list to the right. A simple bequest in your will, trust, or general estate plan is the easiest and most common way.  Insurance plans are also easy, simply by making the Carousel Center, Inc. a beneficiary.

When you make a gift in your will or estate, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that children victimized by physical or sexual abuse will always have a place to tell their story and receive healing services and justice for generations to come.

Your legacy gift helps ensure that Carousel will continue to provide healing, promote justice, foster resilience in children victimized by physical or sexual abuse, and improve our community through education, prevention, and advocacy in Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender counties.

Learn more about what we do. 

Below are Ways to Give to Carousel Child Advocacy Center

Wills & TrustsA gift by Will or Trust is the most frequently used method of deferred giving to a charity. Many supporters like you have chosen to leave a specific percentage of their estate to the Carousel Center. You are creating a legacy with Carousel to help ensure that the mission is realized for many years to come.

How to make this gift:  Insert the following language into your will:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to The Carousel Center, Inc., EIN# 56-2098739, a qualified 501-c-3 charitable organization, __% of my residual estate [or a specific $ amount].” 

(Note: When including a bequest or provision in your will, always use the organization’s full legal name and provide its federal taxpayer identification number [EIN#]. This ensures that the correct Organization receives your generous bequest.)

Please let us know when you give so we can thank you personally. 

What Is a Donor-Advised Fund?

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a bank account for your charitable giving. It’s one of the easiest ways to give and grow what you have to give.

Why Give to The Carousel Center

Your gift will help stop the cycle of abuse AND help our community hold child abusers accountable. Your investment in the Carousel Center encourages healing, promotes justice, and fosters resilience in children victimized by physical or sexual abuse, and improves our community through education, prevention, and advocacy.

Your donation goes to work immediately here in Brunswick, New Hanover, and Pender counties and you will help a young life heal and give back their childhood.

How It Works

  1. You contribute funds to your DAF.
  2. You decide how they’re invested.
  3. You grant funds to the charities of your choice.

Contributions are tax-deductible, and your investment grows tax-free.

Three Ways to Give

  1. Make an outright gift by designating a grant to The Carousel Center
  2. Designate The Carousel Center to receive all or part of your fund’s value at termination.
  3. Designate a monthly grant, if your DAF allows you.


  • Legal name: The Carousel Center
  • Tax ID: 56-2098739
  • Address: 1501 Dock St, Wilmington, NC  28401

When you give, please let us know so we can thank you personally. 

Gifts of Appreciated Stock, Bonds, Mutual Funds, or Exchange-Traded Funds (EFTs).

Thank you for choosing Carousel Child Advocacy Center for your gift of appreciated stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).  Your gift will make a huge difference in the life of a child while maximizing potential tax benefits by avoiding paying tax on capital gains.

Carousel has an account.   Please complete the form below to start the process.  You will receive a confirmation with the DTC# transfer information. Gifts are sold upon receipt and put to use immediately to help child survivors of abuse.

OR Contact Laurie Taylor, CFRE, Development Manager, Email: [email protected], Phone: 910.254.9898

People who are age 70 ½ or older can contribute up to $100,000 from their IRA directly to a charity and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution. This is known as a qualified charitable distribution. It is limited to IRAs, and there are other exclusions and considerations as well. When done properly, charitable donations of retirement assets can minimize the amount of income taxes imposed on both your individual heirs and your estate.

Using an IRA to make a charitable donation can help lower a tax bill and help put a smile on a child’s face. Distributions must be made directly to the Carousel Center, not to the owner or beneficiary. All distribution checks need to be made payable to the charity or they will be counted as taxable distributions.

Retirement accounts, such as your 401k, 403b, IRA, left to your children may incur heavy income taxes but are tax-free to charity. Designate the Carousel Center as a beneficiary of your retirement account. This is a simple, affordable way to support Carousel Child Advocacy Center’s mission.

How to make this gift: To make a planned gift of retirement assets, add the Carousel Center as a beneficiary of the retirement account. This can usually be done by a change of beneficiary form from the administrator of the plan. Our legal name is The Carousel Center Inc., and our tax ID number is 56-2098739.

When you give, please let us know so we can thank you personally. Contact Laurie Taylor, CFRE, Development Manager, Email: [email protected], Phone: 910.254.9898

This is simple and easy way to make a legacy gift.  Name The Carousel Center as the owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

If there are ongoing payments, make them as your annual gift to Carousel Child Advocacy Center.  You will receive an immediate tax deduction, which is usually approximately equal to the policy’s cash surrender value, and your premium payments are also deductible.

Please consult your attorney or financial advisor to determine if this is an appropriate gift for you.

Contact: Laurie Taylor, CFRE, Development Manager, Email: [email protected], Phone: 910.254.9898 to notify us of this important donation.

One of the most overlooked assets as a donation is real estate. A gift of land, a house, or a vacation home is a perfect gift. Your future gift will impact generations of children. 

Leave The Carousel Center your home, land, or vacation house, in your will/estate plans, and at your death, The Carousel Center will convert your property into cash to support the goals of the organization.

Real Estate with Life Tenancy: Receive a substantial income tax deduction by giving (deeding) your home, vacation home, or farm to The Carousel Center now. You continue to live there, maintain the property as usual, and even receive any income it generates. At your death, The Carousel Center will convert your property into cash to support programs and services.

Always consult your tax advisor and/or attorney before making a gift of this magnitude.

Contact: Laurie Taylor, CFRE, Development Manager, Email: [email protected], Phone: 910.254.9898 to notify us of this important donation.

When you give, please let us know so we can thank you personally. 

Agency’s Full Legal Name:  The Carousel Center, Inc.

DBA: Carousel Child Advocacy Center

EIN#: 56-2098739

Because Legacy Gifts are such a personal matter, we suggest the following:

  • Talk to your financial adviser, attorney, or estate specialist about making a legacy gift to Carousel Center, Inc. through your estate.  There are often tax benefits to you and your family.

  • Don’t have a will? Everyone should make a will or living trust, regardless of wealth. Having a plan ensures that your wishes are known and saves your loved ones the stress and cost of intestate probate proceedings. With a valid will or trust, you can choose who gets your property, name guardians for your children, provide a home for your pets, and more.

    • Contact a local attorney specializing in wills, trusts, and estates.

    • Go to Free Will to write your own will.

Let us know of your intent by contacting Laurie Taylor, CFRE, at 910-254-9898 or emailing her at [email protected] to set up a time to discuss how leaving a Legacy Gift in your will or estate can make the most impact.