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Work On WilmingtonThe Carousel Center is excited to be a site of one of the Work on Wilmington projects.

Work on Wilmington is an annual community service day that mobilizes over 1,000 volunteers to tackle projects for local organizations.

You can Volunteer with Work on Wilmington on April 23, 2022, to help improve The Carousel Center’s facility, with new flooring in our hallways, and a new garden on the Dock St.
Interested volunteers can sign up at https://www.wilmingtonchamber.org/form/view/24096
Work On Wilmington is organized each year by the current class of Leadership Wilmington.  Work on Wilmington brings people together to roll up their sleeves and tackle community problems in just four hours. The results are amazing. Projects that would normally take many times longer are completed in just half a day. Volunteers participate in a variety of service projects throughout the community with a common goal: Make Wilmington a better place to live. Work On Wilmington seeks to energize the volunteer spirit in all of us by following the successful model active in more than 50 cities across the United States. Work On Wilmington works in partnership with community organizations and agencies to create meaningful, hands-on service projects that improve the quality of life and achieve tangible results.

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